Iraqi M90 Helmets
RARITY - 10 / 10
The type 1 Iraqi M90 is the least common variant of the M90 found. The type 1 can be denoted by a dull olive green finish, green liner webbing, green chinstrap webbing, and black hardware. Interestingly, the type is believed to have been issued without a rubber rim, and why the majority of surviving examples are not seen with them.
RARITY - 1 / 10
The type 2 Iraqi M90 is the most common variant of the M90 found. The type 2 can be denoted by a dull greenish yellow (Sand) color finish, tan liner webbing, green chinstrap webbing, and black hardware. This variant also features a rubber rim, which has not been confirmed to be issued with the type 1.
RARITY - 5 / 10
The type 3 Iraqi M90 is the second most common variant of the M90 found. The type 2 can be denoted by a saturated reddish yellow (Sand) color finish, tan liner webbing, tan chinstrap webbing, and black hardware. In addition to the change of shell and chinstrap color, the shell also featured an Iraqi Jihm acceptance marking on the inside dome.
RARITY - 10 / 10
Unidentified Variant
This variant of the M90 is yet to have been identified, and possibly could be a locally produced helmet. The variant features characteristics of an Iraqi Type 2 liner webbing and rubber rim, though also shares characteristics with the British WWII civilian defence helmet. Please look out for future updates when more information is available.