BSR Militaria is happy to offer a 14 day return policy for all of our items, unless stated otherwise. Furthermore, if an item is returned, the original shipping cost is not refundable. We do not provide return labels, or credits for return shipping. All returns will be at the cost of the buyer. Once a return has been initiated, the buyer will have 7 days to return the item. In the event that an item is not returned within 7 days, the refund request will be forfeited.
If an item has been altered after receipt (Damaged, disassembled, repainted etc. ), this return policy may be canceled at our discretion.
This return policy is subject to change at anytime.
A large effort is put forth in order to authenticate each and every piece we sell. Of course with a growing market of fakes, it is very possible and common for long-time dealers to unknowingly sell reproductions. For this reason if an authentic item is sold, and proved to be reproduction, we are happy and willing to accept a return within 1 year of purchase. This extended return policy has been created for the unlikely event of a reproduction item being sold as authentic. This return policy is limited to only items sold as authentic, and proven to be a reproduction. This proof requires at least one written testimonial from a mutually agreed dealer.
This return policy is subject to change at anytime.